Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Hakan İNCİ, Ersin KARAKAYA, Turgay ŞENGÜL, Bünyamin SÖĞÜT
Anahtar Kelimeler:Bingol,Poultry Meat,Consumption Level,Consumption Patterns
Özet: This study was carried out to figure out effect of income and education levels on chicken consumption taste performances and habits in urban area of Bingol. This study focused on consumer’s income, food expenditure, consumption quantities, decision-making and purchasing process. To achieve this goal prepared questionnaires were given to 384 families. Sample size of this study was determined with unclustered probability sampling method. According to the survey the average age, monthly income and food expenditure were 42, 2183.12 TL and 486 TL respectively. Yearly chicken consumption per person and family were calculated as 28.4 and 143.8 kg respectively. It was observed that while 31.3% of consumers were buying chicken once a week, 44.5 and 58.5% of them preferred to buy whole chicken and from supermarket, respectively. According to the purchasing performance of consumers; breeding, feeding and marketing models to determine are extremely important.
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