Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi

Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi

Regional Concentration of Turkish Dried Fruits Exports

Yazarlar: Hasan ARISOY, Zeki BAYRAMOĞLU, Yusuf ÇELİK, Osman Orkan ÖZER

Cilt 1 , Sayı 2 , 2014 , Sayfalar 269 - 280


Anahtar Kelimeler:Dried fruits,Trade intensity analysis method,Concentration coefficient,Turkey

Özet: Agricultural sector has also been affected by the globalization like the rest of the world. The increase in the world trade has continued. The monitoring of the development in dried fruits’ trade which is one of the most important sectors in Turkish agricultural exports is very crucial. Raisins, dried apricots and figs are in the scope of this study. The aim of this study is to examine the changes in the value and direction of trade flow between Turkey and the countries which import dried fruits from Turkey. Trade Intensity Analysis Method which presents the course of trade flow among countries is used in the study. The study indicate that Turkey has not kept its export share for the raisins market in Holland, dried figs in England and dried apricots in France and England. The main reason of loss is that because other countries have accessed to their markets. This outcame implies that Turkey cannot effectively use its advantages in these markets.

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@article{2014, title={Regional Concentration of Turkish Dried Fruits Exports}, volume={1}, number={269–280}, publisher={Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi}, author={Hasan ARISOY,Zeki BAYRAMOĞLU,Yusuf ÇELİK,Osman Orkan ÖZER}, year={2014} }
Hasan ARISOY,Zeki BAYRAMOĞLU,Yusuf ÇELİK,Osman Orkan ÖZER. (2014). Regional Concentration of Turkish Dried Fruits Exports (Vol. 1). Vol. 1. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi.
Hasan ARISOY,Zeki BAYRAMOĞLU,Yusuf ÇELİK,Osman Orkan ÖZER. Regional Concentration of Turkish Dried Fruits Exports. no. 269–280, Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2014.