Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Tanzer ERYILMAZ, Osman GÖKDOĞAN, Murat Kadir YEŞİLYURT
Anahtar Kelimeler:Mechanization level,Tractor,Yozgat
Özet: In this study, the level of agricultural mechanization of Yozgat Province was investigated. The number of tractors, agricultural equipment – machines, and calculated indicators of agricultural mechanization of Yozgat province were summarized. The average tractor power was determined as 39.66 kW and 39.18 kW, tractor power per cultivated area (ha) were 1.18 kW ha-1, and 1.31kW ha-1, the number of tractor per 1000 ha 29.65 and 33.32, cultivated area for each tractor was 33.73 ha and 30.01 ha, for 10 years between 2003 and 2012, respectively.
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