Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Hasan KILIÇ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Durum wheat,Disease,Quality traits,Grain yield
Özet: In this study, fourteen advanced durum wheat lines which were selected from regional yield trials of durum wheat within the framework of National Cool Season Cereals Project and five cultivars (Gediz 75, Ege 88, Şölen 2002, Fuatbey 2000 and Sarıçanak 98) were used to determine grain yield and some quality traits under South Eastern Anatolia Region. The experiments were conducted in 2004-2005, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 growing seasons, in Diyarbakır and 2004-2005 in Ceylanpınar locations under rain fed conditions, with randomized complete design with 4 replications. Both grain yield and quality traits were considered: weight of hectoliter, thousand kernel weight, protein content, SDS sedimentation test and vitreousness rate. According to four experiments result; Ege-88 cultivar had the highest weight of hectoliter (82.1 kg hl-1), G3 line had highest SDS Sedimentation value (26.5 ml-1). However, the genotypes effects were not significant in terms of protein content and vitreousness rate. For grain yield, there was no significant differences in Ceylanpınar and Diyarbakır locations that had low rainfall during 2004/2005 growing season. In the 2005-2007 growing season, the highest yield was obtained from G9 line (732.9 kg da-1), while in the 2006-2007 growing season from G2 line (701.7 kg da-1). According to the results of the research, genotypes with appropriate combination in terms of examined traits were selected for national breeding program of durum wheat.