Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Melis INALPULAT, Levent GENÇ
Anahtar Kelimeler:ArcHydro,Catchment,Irrigable lands,Digital elevation model,Landsat TM,Canakkale
Özet: It was aimed to determine potentially irrigable lands of Canakkale province using Digital Elevation Model (DEM). DEM were obtained by digitizing 1:25000 scaled topographic maps to investigate the terrain features. Hydrologic analysis was conducted using ArcHydro module that attached with ArcGIS software. Flow directions, flow accumulations, catchment grids, catchment polygons, drainage lines and drainage points were delineated. In order to determine water bodies and agricultural lands, Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) map was generated using Landsat TM 5 image. According to the results, 206 catchments were identified within study area. Among these catchments, water found to be cumulated on 47 catchments within 27 natural or man-made water collection units. It was seen that water would be able to transfer from these units to 136 catchments. The agricultural lands within these catchments with land use capability class value varying 1-3, and slope values varying 0-8%, defined as Potentially Irrigable Lands in this study (131016 ha).