Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Enver KENDAL, Hasan DOĞAN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Spring barley,Number of row in head,Yield,Quality,GAP
Özet: The aim of this study, to determine how the grain yield and quality parameters were affected by the- the genotype of two or six-row head in the cultivation of barley in in three different geographic locations. Equal number of two-row and six-row lines and types were used in the study. The trials were conducted in randomized complete block design with four replications in 2011-2012 growing season under rain- fed conditions in Diyarbakır, Hazro and Kızıltepe locations.. In the study, grain yield, heading time that affected yield and plant height, some quality parameters (test weight, thousand kernel weight, protein ratios and sieve analysis) were investigated. The combined analysis were determined regarding to many traits significant differences in terms of genotypes and location at the level of 1% and 5%. According to the results, the number of row was found to be effective on grain yield and quality parameters in barley. According to the average of genotypes used in this study, six-row line/ cultivars compared with two-row line/varieties. In six-row genotypes, e higher yield, lower hectoliters and thousand grain weights, protein values were obtained. . Study results suggested that high yield and low-quality values were obtained from six-row, -where as high quality and low-yield were obtained from two-row genotypes. These results gave pre-decision information about how the yield and quality criteria of barley depended on the number of row in head.
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