Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Mehmet Fırat BARAN, Hasan Ali KARAAĞAÇ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Kırklareli,Second crop,Sunflower production,Energy,Efficiency
Özet: In this study, energy balance in second crop sunflower in Kirklareli conditions was put forward, in 2013. Main data used in this study, such as economical life, labor success, fuel-oil consumptions, machine weights of the tools and machines used in second crop sunflower and fertilizer, irrigation, seed amounts was obtained from the other studies, various sources and catalogues. As a result of the evaluations, energy output/input rate was obtained 3.21, the specific energy value was obtained 8.19 MJ kg-1, net energy production was calculated 34404.90 MJ ha-1 for second crop sunflower growing. In second crop sunflower production, it was found that the highest usage ratio in total energy input belongs to irrigation energy by 30.36%. This ratio was followed by 28.78 % fertilizer energy and 24.74% fuel-oil energy.