Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Anahtar Kelimeler:Capsicum annuum,Androgenesis,Nutrient medium,Genotype,Haploid
Özet: Three different pepper genotypes (B, 151 and 171 breeding lines) and one pepper variety from Syria (Alfajer variety) as plant material and 16 different nutrient media combinations were tested to figure out effects of nutrient medium and genotype on anther culture of pepper. Eight different combinations (C series, C1-C8) of nutrient medium found by Dumas de Vaulx ve ark. (1981) and eight different combinations of Murashige ve Skoog (1962) nutrient medium (B series, B1-B8) were used as nutrient medium. Evaluation of experiments were performed according to genotypes and in per application, planted anther number, developed and transferred anther number, embryogenic anther number, obtained embryo number per developed anther and plant transformation ratio were calculated. The best results in Alfajer variety and B breeding line were obtained from C series nutrient media contained Kinetin + 2,4-D. B series MS nutrient media with NAA + BAP were found to be more successful than C series in genotypes 151 and 171. Activated charcoal added to the nutrient medium (0.25%) increased embryogenesis depending on genotype. B5 nutrient medium without silver nitrate gave the highest results in terms of embryo number and this medium was followed by C6, B3, B2, B7 nutrient media. All of the obtained embryos (except embryos obtained from B3 medium) converted to plants. In terms of genotypes; Alfajer variety and B breeding lines gave more successful results than genotypes 151 and 171. It was found that 94% of plants developed from embryos had haploid chromosome number.
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