Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Mahmut KAPLAN, Kağan KÖKTEN, Mevlüt AKÇURA
Anahtar Kelimeler:Triticale,Silage,Relative feed value,Volatile fatty acids,NDF
Özet: The study was conducted to determine silage characteristics and relative feed values of triticale genotypes to be used for silage. 6 different cultivars and 4 lines of triticale were used as plant material in the study. Experiment was carried out in randomized block design with 3 replications under Bingöl conditions. The experimental plots were harvested at dough stage of the plants, ensiled into 5 kg plastic jars and opened after 60 days. Results revealed that dry matter content of the silage varied between 35.54% and 41.46%, protein content between 7.34% and 10.25%, raw ash content between 5.21% and 7.19%, NDF content between 51.24% and 60.00%, ADF content between 33.93% and 39.47%, lactic acid content between 48.12 and 59.25 g kg-1 DM, acetic acid content between 15.41 and 19.22 g kg-1 DM, propionic acid between 2.86 and 4.21 g kg-1 DM, pH between 4.55 and 4.93, Fleig score between 78.74 and 99.48, digestibility of dry matter between 57.42% and 62.21%, dry matter intake between 1.99% and 2.30%, relative feed value between 88.55 and 110.90, depending on the genotypes. It was concluded that triticale could be used as a quality silage crop for animal feeding.
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