Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Şenol ÇELİK, Oktay ERDOĞAN, Adil BAKOĞLU, Adem BARDAK
Anahtar Kelimeler:Cotton,Verticillium wilt,Regression,Correlation,Seed cotton yield
Özet: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the yield of seed cotton of some varieties and disease severity (DS) by comparing two regression coefficients and by testing the hypothesis on the base of difference of two correlation coefficients. In a naturally infested field with non-defoliating pathotype, reactions of 6 cotton varieties against the disease were determined during the stage of 5-10%, 5060% boll opening and after harvest. Data obtained by using comparison of two regression coefficients and correlation coefficients to find out the difference and the hypothesis was tested. According to the survey results, at 5-10%, 50-60% bolls opening time and the stem section, DS-yield relationship was in a negative direction, the regression coefficient is negative and the coefficient of determination were found to be R= 0.77, 0.78 and 0.78, respectively. General regression coefficient between seed cotton yield (SCY) at 5-10 % boll opening time and DS with SCY at 50-60% boll opening time and DS were found to be -49.9 and caused to an 11.02% a yield loss. General regression coefficient of SCY at 5-10% boll opening time and DS with stem section in a SCY and DS was calculated as -55.5 and lead to a 12.25% yield loss. General regression coefficient between 50-60% boll opening in SCY and DS with the stem section in SCY and DS found to be -55.6 causing a 12.28% a yield loss. Results of this study revealed that DS depends on sclerotia number of pathogen in the soil, pathotype, infection rate in plant, susceptibility of genotypes and disease incidence duration, SCY serious losses that might occur.