Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Önder KAMİLOĞLU, Durmuş ÜSTÜN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Grapevine,Wine cultivar,Quality correlation
Özet: In this study, Kalecik Karası, Sirah, Carignane, Semillon, Chardonnay and Narince grape varieties were examined in respect of certain quality features. Correlation levels among such examined features were also attempted to determine. Narince yielded the highest values (berry weight (3.27 g), berry volume (3.02 ml), berry length (17.2 mm), berry width (16.1 mm)) while Chardonnay yielded the lowest values (berry weight (1.12 g), berry volume (1.03 ml), berry length (11.4 mm), berry width (11.1 mm)) in respect of berry features. T otal soluble solid (TSS) content (27.4% and 26.5% respectively) was found to be highest in Kalecik Karası and Chardonnay varieties. pH content of varieties varied from 3.18 (Carignane) to 3.60 (Chardonnay). Acidity content was found to be highest in Carignane variety (0.72%) and lowest in Semillon and Kalecik Karası (0.43 0.46% respectively). A seed weight was the highest in Kalecik Karası (56.3 mg/seed), while seed number was the highest in Sirah, Chardonnay and Semillon (>2), seed weight in berry was the highest in Narince (86.1 mg/berry). Positive correlation were identified between cluster features (width, length, weight, volume) and berry features (width, length, weight, volume), seed weight. Positive correlation was found between berry features and seed weight in berry (r= 0.48-0.55). However, negative correlation was determined between berry properties and pH (r= −0.54 - −0.61), TSS (r= −0.47- −0.54). Positive correlation was determined between pH content in juice and TSS (r = 0.81), TSS/acidity (r = 0.90) content. Consequently, It was determined that Carignane, Narince and Sirah cultivars were found to be promising cultivars.
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