Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Mustafa YILDIRIM, Hasan GEZGINC, Ali PAKSOY
Anahtar Kelimeler:Sprinkler irrigation,Energy consumption,Irrigation pumps,Konya Plain
Özet: The main objective of this study was to estimate general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) for the plant height (PH), grain yield (GY) and yield component in wheat. A 7 × 7 half-diallel cross among bread wheat genotypes (Adana, Ceyhan, Dariel, Genç, Golia, Pehlivan and Seyhan) was analyzed. Yield components include spike length (SL), spikelets spike-1 (SS), grains spike-1 (GS), fertile tillers plant-1 (FT) and thousand kernel weight (TW). The effects of GCA and SCA were found highly significant. The GCA / SCA ratios indicated that all traits are under additive gene effect. However, according to gene effects of correlations (GEr), non-additive gene effect was found for the TW, while the other traits were similar to GCA / SCA. According to inter-trait correlation data, negative relationship at 0.01 level was found between PH and GS, positive relationship at 0.01 level was found between SS and GS; and SS and SL; and GS and GY, positive relationship at 0.05 level was found between PH and TW; SS and SL; FT and SS; and FT and GY. According to GCA effects, Golia and Pehlivan were observed to be the best combiner parents. The results of this study may be beneficial for plant breeders aiming to develop new genotypes.