Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi

Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi

Effects of In Ovo Pollen Extract Injection to Fertile Broiler Eggs on Hatchability and Subsequent Chick Weight

Yazarlar: İsa COŞKUN, Hüseyin ÇAYAN, Ömer YILMAZ, Atilla TASKIN, Emre TAHTABİÇEN, Hasan SAMLİ

Cilt 1 , Sayı 4 , 2014 , Sayfalar 485 - 489


Anahtar Kelimeler:In ovo enjeksiyon,Polekstraktı,Etlik piliç,Yumurta,Kuluçka randımanı,Civciv ağırlığı

Özet: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of pollen extract injection into the amnion of fertile broilers eggs on hatchability and relative chick weight to egg weight. Eggs were provided from 34 wk old Ross 308 parent stocks. In the trial 180 fertile broiler eggs were used. Three groups (control, negative control and pollen extract injected group) with three replicate were also included. Injections carried out at the 16th day of incubation. At the end of the study, hatchability was founded at control; negative control and pollen extract injected groups 89.1%, 82.3% and 73.1%, respectively. There were no statistically difference between control and pollen extract injected groups in terms of hatchability, but hatchability decreased in negative control group (P<0,05). Chick weight/initial egg weight after hatch were founded 70.1%, 71.1%, 73.5% at control; negative control and pollen extract injected groups, respectively. It was determined that injection of pollen extract to amnion of eggs statistically increased chick weight/initial egg weight according to the control and the negative control groups (P<0,05). At the end of the study, it was concluded that pollen extracts might be used as a feed ingredient to obtain heavier chicks after hatch, but different extraction methods or different pollen extracts need to be researched.  

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@article{2014, title={Effects of In Ovo Pollen Extract Injection to Fertile Broiler Eggs on Hatchability and Subsequent Chick Weight}, volume={1}, number={485–489}, publisher={Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi}, author={İsa COŞKUN,Hüseyin ÇAYAN,Ömer YILMAZ,Atilla TASKIN,Emre TAHTABİÇEN,Hasan SAMLİ}, year={2014} }
İsa COŞKUN,Hüseyin ÇAYAN,Ömer YILMAZ,Atilla TASKIN,Emre TAHTABİÇEN,Hasan SAMLİ. (2014). Effects of In Ovo Pollen Extract Injection to Fertile Broiler Eggs on Hatchability and Subsequent Chick Weight (Vol. 1). Vol. 1. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi.
İsa COŞKUN,Hüseyin ÇAYAN,Ömer YILMAZ,Atilla TASKIN,Emre TAHTABİÇEN,Hasan SAMLİ. Effects of In Ovo Pollen Extract Injection to Fertile Broiler Eggs on Hatchability and Subsequent Chick Weight. no. 485–489, Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2014.