Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Mehmet KUTLU
Anahtar Kelimeler:Arıcılık sorunları,Gaziantep
Özet: In this study, which was made on the purpose of determining the level of beekeeping in Gaziantep province, outcomes coming from data obtained by interviewing with 100 beekepers registeret to the beekeeper association were evaluated. In the study, the beekeeping structure and activities of the province were tried to be found out, also the effect of the colony number and the age of beekeeper in association with honey yield, determination of colony number for an ecanomical income in beekeeping, the beekeping contribution to the province economy, troubles related to procurement of brood materials and supplies; problems about marketing the products that are produced were examined and suggestions for the solutions of the addressed problems were presented.
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