Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: İhsan KAYHAN, Mehmet BARAN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Ağıryaylı kultivatör,Azaltılmış toprak işleme,Ayçiçeği,Ekonomik analiz,Kırklareli
Özet: In this study, as an alternative to plow soil with plough plow in autumn, it has been aimed to determine the efficiency of heavy cultivator in autumn soil plow and comparison with the plow. The research was carried out for a period of two years in Kirklareli Luleburgaz District of the province, on agricultural land with 35% - 45% clay, 30% - 40% sand and 20% - 25% silt contents, The study was in a Randomized Complete Block Design. In this study, paremeters such as the development of sunflower plant, the average exit time parameter, average output rate and grain yield were observed. The fuel consumption of systems and machine operating speeds during soil tillage were measured. Through the obtained data, economical and technical analysis were made and it was found out that heavy cultivator usage has more advantages than plow usage.