Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Alper DARDENIZ, Baboo ALI, Fadime ATES, Yuksel SAVAS, Mehmet Ali GÜNDOĞDU
Anahtar Kelimeler:American vine rootstock,Vitis vinifera L.,Production material quality,Lignification,Width/core,Xylem/core.
Özet: The present study was conducted to determine the lignification levels of canes of some table grape cultivars (‘Amasya Beyazi’, ‘Ata Sarisi’, ‘Cardinal’, ‘Italia’, ‘Kozak Beyazi’, ‘Muskule’, ‘Yalova Cekirdeksizi’ and ‘Yalova Incisi’) and American vine rootstocks (‘140Ru’, ‘1613C’, ‘1103P’, ‘110R’, ‘5BB’ and ‘41B’) during the years 2013 and 2014. The 7.5–9.5 mm thick scions of table grape cultivars were supplied from ‘Table Grapes Research and Implementation Vineyard’ of ‘COMU Dardanos Campus’ and 8.0–9.5 mm grafting cuttings of American vine rootstocks were supplied from ‘Manisa Viticulture Research Institute’ (Manisa/Turkey). Results revealed that cane lignification levels of Vitis species were best represented by width/core and xylem/core ratios and such ratios significantly varied based on cultivars, rootstocks and years. Parameters ratios of American vine rootstocks were much higher than the ratios of table grape cultivars. Such a case was because of genetic differences and much higher fruit cluster loads of grape cultivars than the rootstocks.