Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Hüccet VURAL, Sevgi YILMAZ
Anahtar Kelimeler:School gardens,School landscape,Physical qualification,Erzurum
Özet: In this study, it has been aimed to identify physical qualifications of school gardens located in Erzurum city center by analyzing them in terms of local, national, international and scientific standards. The study was carried out at the primary and elementary schools in Yakutiye, Palandöken and Aziziye, three districts of Erzurum. Data were collected through quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques. Research findings are based on official statistics of 76 schools (population, area of gardens and buildings), data collected from these schools via information forms, data of field visits and observations at 19 schools and surveys results of a questionnaire filled in by 606 students in eleven schools of three districts. Data was descriptively analyzed with the help of SPSS 18 statistics program. As a result of analysis to determine the existing situation, it has been found that the area of average school garden per student is 4.80 m2, all school gardens lack areas of usage and functions, and only 12.5% of students finds their gardens to be enough. In conclusion, it has been emphasized that the schools in the study field should be rearranged to satisfy the needs of the students with a specific landscape plan. It’s also essential to finish landscape designs and implementations of new schools which will be built in the future before they are opened for education.
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