Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Şerife Tülin AKKAYA ASLAN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Land consolidation,Land fragmentation,Januszewski index,Simmons index.
Özet: Analysis of results after land consolidation projects is important to understand expected benefits. The core mandate of land consolidation projects is to increase of number of parcels belong enterprises. Januszewski (JI) and Simmons (SI) indices are commonly used to determine land fragmentation. Values of JI or SI closing to 1 indicate that fragmentation is decreasing, while decreasing values indicate that fragmentation increase. In this study, Denizli-Tavas Province Pınarlar Village land consolidation project is chosen as a material to analysis land fragmentation. As a result, according to JI and SI, ratio of enterprises have values less than 0.40 were 25.5%, 67.90% before land consolidation while the ratio were 1.08% and 21.20% respectively. Ratio of enterprises have JI and SI values more than 0.60 were 29% and 4.3% before land consolidation while the ratio were 73% and 44.9% respectively. As a conclusion land fragmentation were decreased considerably after land consolidation project. The results obtained shows both indices can be easily calculated and are easily interpretable parameters to analysis of land fragmentation.
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