Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Cafer TÜRKMEN, Esra ŞAHİN, Alper DARDENİZ, Nuray Mücellâ MÜFTÜOĞLU
Anahtar Kelimeler:Vineyard pruning waste,Tea waste,Compost,Earthworm.
Özet: Increasing population of the world is in need of more agricultural product, and in the same time, the increased production is also increased the amount of agricultural waste. Agricultural wastes are also frequently encountered in Çanakkale province, which has entered the top ten ranks in terms of agricultural production in our country. This necessitated the re-evaluation of agricultural wastes for purposes such as environmental size and soil fertility, or scientific studies on the disposal of agricultural wastes. In this context, a research was carried out in which 'Vineyard Wastes Compost (VWC)’, which is come out after each year pruning practices from Çanakkale vineyard areas, and 'Tea Waste Compost (TWC)’ obtained from Rize tea factories are used as material. After composting of both agricultural wastes, the composts were taken in two-dimensional (2D) clear glass jars, with three replicates, mixed with soil at 0% (control), 1% and 3% levels on their dry matter basis. The mixture in the devices was humidified according to field capacity then releasing 3 earthworms to each jar from two different species of earthworms (Eisenia fetida and Octodrilus transpadanus). The species are incubated for 3 days at 18 °C in the given devices then the ‘Gallery Areas (GA)’ in 2D devices were measured in accordance to earthworm movement. According to obtained data, in the case of two different earthworm species, the difference between the GA in both sides of the 2D system in the case of no mixing (control group) was not important significantly (p> 0.05). In the 1% TWC application with O. transpadanus earthworm species, the GA measured on the TWC side was higher than that of control (p <0.05) where there the control treatments were on one side and the mixture treatments on another side. At no VWC and TWC levels with E. fetida, the difference between GA values did not reach significance level (p> 0.05). In this study, it was determined that the avoidance and preferences of two different earthworm species towards different organic materials mixed with soil were upper from those of the E. fetida earthworm species with respect to composted organic material of O. transpadanus earthworm species.