Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Muhammed TAŞOVA
Anahtar Kelimeler:Tokat-Erbaa,Çamdibi village,Biogas.
Özet: The difference between biogas production potential that can be obtained from animal wastes and the energetic use rate of biogas is about 60 % in our country. This suggests that animal wastes should be used in order to be converted to energy more efficiently. In this study, average wet waste potential (ton/year), average dry matter amount (ton/year) to be obtained from wastes, average biogas potential value to be produced from dry matter (m³/year), yearly heat (GJ/m³.year) that can be obtained from biogas, and electric energy (kWh/year) equivalent electricity values can be produced by the average annual number of hanenes in the village. As a result of the research, annual average 350 tons of waste, 117 tons of dry matter, 6760 m3 of biogas, 147 GJ/m3 of heat energy, 31772 kWh of electricity and 10 of these values of electricity can be met.