Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Alaaddin YÜKSEL, Alperen MERAL, Yasin DEMİR, Engin EROĞLU
Anahtar Kelimeler:Yamac microcatchment,Agro-tourism,GIS and remote sensing,Scenario analysis.
Özet: Agriculture (agro) tourism is one of the most important tourism activities in the world. Lately, this type of tourism has been supported primarily in developing countries in order to ensure rural development and contribute to the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems. In this study, the potential of agricultural tourism after the application of Murat River Basin Rehabilitation Project is taken as an example of Bingöl city Yamac Microcatchment and suggestions supporting the region are being developed in terms of rural development. In this context, before and after the implementation of the project, it is determined with the help of GIS and scenario analysis, and the situation of the existing agricultural land, the agroturism suitability of the area, the activities to be done in terms of agroturism in the region, the place in agroturism activities and the power question are searched. In terms of agriculture activities (walnut farming, vegetable and apiculture), agrotourism is identified as the most important agricultural activity in the region and the contributions to be provided to the region in terms of rural development have been the main objective of the study and suggestions have been made in the dimension of local people and responsible organizations.