Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Esra BULUNUZ PALAZ, Cafer Hakan YILMAZ, Halil AYTOP, Yeşim BÜYÜKÇINGIL
Anahtar Kelimeler:Salep orchid,Plant nutrient,Soil,Physical and chemical properties.
Özet: In this research, Dactylorhiza romana sahlep orchid species grown in natural flora of Kahramanmaras the contents of plant nutrients were tried to determine some physical and chemical properties of the soil. In plant analyzed, separately analyzed of leaf, stem and tuber were determined. The results of the analysis showed that the contents of K (%), Ca (%), Mg (%), Fe (mg kg-1), Mn (mg kg-1) and Zn, and Cu (mg kg-1) content was higher than the others. Soil properties are determined by high tin textured, neutral reaction, salt free, medium amount of organic matter, low amount of lime, low utilization of phosphorus and calcium in the plant, high potassium, high magnesium, good copper and zinc, high iron and manganese. As a result of soil and plant analyzes, it has been determined that the plant take enough nutrients although the nutrients of P and Ca are lacking in the soil.