Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Burhan KILIÇ, A. Semih UZUNDUMLU, Göksel TOZLU
Anahtar Kelimeler:Environmental sensibility,Hazelnut,Giresun,Pesticide,Turkey.
Özet: Abstract This study aims to determine producers’ environmental sensitivity in terms of pesticide use in hazelnut production in Merkez, Bulancak, Espiye, Görele, Kesap and Tirebolu districts of Giresun province. Data was gathered within 2012 production year through a questionnaire with the participation of 100 farmers in 24 different villages who were determined through random sampling. The literature was reviewed and state institutions and organizations were also applied. This study revealed that farmers visit agricultural organizations but their visit is not in a satisfying level. The rates of the participants for the consultation in pesticide choice were defined as: 66% to a pesticide dealer, 18% to their supervisor agricultural engineers, 7% to a technical organization, 5% to their experience 3% to an agricultural engineer. Also, the rate of those who imitated their neighbors was 1%. Most of the participants (83%) stated that residues of these pesticides on the plants are harmful; by stressing that they do not have enough knowledge about that. Farmers remove pesticide packages either by burning (66%), by throwing away into a bin after packaging (24%), burying (8%) or throwing them around (2%). Each has a negative effect on the environment, thereby on living creatures in a certain level. Therefore, the packages need to be gathered and kept under control with any practices such as the process of deposit.
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