Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Özkan KAYA, Cafer KÖSE
Anahtar Kelimeler:Frost tolerant,Grapevine,Exotherm,Acclimation,De-acclimation.
Özet: In this study, Thermal analysis (TA) and Differential Thermal analysis (DTA) were used, together for the first time under artificial frost conditions in the lab. The mean low temperature exotherm values (mLTE10-50-90) of grapevine dormant buds were determined comparing TA and DTA methods. Samples were taken at six different times during dormant period. In our results, mLTE10-50-90 values were from -7.66 to -11.72oC by using TA methods while mLTE10-50-90 values changed from -9.20 to -22.84oC using DTA methods. In both TA and DTA analysis results, freezing tolerance of the dormant buds increased as the temperature decreased and decreased as the temperature increased in spring, generally. In conclusion, when DTA methods were compared to TA methods in terms of mLTE temperatures, mLTE temperatures were determined by DTA method were 1.24 to 12.80oC lower than TA method. On the other hand, thermocouples were located in the dormant buds caused deformation in the bud tissues and thus this deformation caused by the occurrence of the mLTE10-50-90 values at higher temperatures. Therefore, it is concluded that more accurate data can be obtained by using the DTA method in predicting frost tolerance of dormant buds different grapevine cultivars and species in future studies.