Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Anahtar Kelimeler:Evapotranspiration,Eggplant,Irrigation scheduling,Tarsus
Özet: Irrigation programming and evapotranspiration of importance in estimating water stress and efficient management of water resources. These calculations include complex processes based on data related to climate, soil, crop and water resources. These operations can be done quickly and accurately by using computer models in the world and our country. Our used CROPWAT software developed by FAO (Penman Monteith method), the theoretical data of evapotranspiration and irrigation management were given and daily ETc calculations for eggplant plant were made in Tarsus conditions in 2013 and 2014, and irrigation programs were prepared for optimum conditions and short irrigation conditions. The outcomes of the program were compared with the results obtained from a field trial conducted in Tarsus conditions in 2013 and 2014 in eggplant. When the irrigation water requirements of the CROPWAT program were compared with the field of irrigation water requirements in 3 and 6 days, it was found that the values of 496, 446 and 432, 394 mm respectively in 2013. When the irrigation water requirements of the CROPWAT program were compared with the field of irrigation water requirements in 3 and 6 days, it was found that the values of 444, 396 and 428, 379 mm respectively in 2014. According to the results, CROPWAT program is in harmony with the results obtained from evapotranspiration and irrigation management.