Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Beste KÖKEN, Tayfun ÇAY
Anahtar Kelimeler:Classification,Land consolidation,Reallocation
Özet: Land consolidation has a significant role in receiving the biggest effect for the investments in rural areas, correcting the failures in structures and development of agriculture. Classification practices state a big importance in accomplishment of land consolidation projects. Thanks to the classification, it is aimed to equalize the worth of the lands of beneficiaries before and after the project.In Turkey, during the land consolidation processes, classification has been completed according to technical standards which is published by General Directorate of Agricultural Reform with consideration of Law No. 3083 (Agrarian Reform Law about Land Arrangement on Irrigation Areas). Nowadays, land consolidation is done in accordance with the new grading methods which are published by General Directorate of Agricultural Reform in June 2010 and new land consolidation regulation published in 2019.Performing land consolidation processes by different institutions and legislations created big differences in land consolidation processes. The biggest difference among them is the fact that General Directorate of Agricultural Reform makes the grading process by considering fair value index. However, in land consolidation regulations, the fair value index is not used. In this study, four different methods of grading and land reallocation & parcelling processes are compared.Thus,four different classification methods on the land reallocation were analyzed in terms of their weights.In the project area, the results of land consolidation regulation and law no 3083 were found to be close. The similarity of the new classification method published in 2019 to other methods was determined and it was found appropriate to use the method fort his reason.