Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Mehmet ÖTEN, Semiha KİREMİTCİ, Cengiz ERDURMUŞ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Clover,Trifolium sp.,Natural flora,Characterization
Özet: Natural flora of Antalya has a very rich genetic variation in terms of forage plants. One of the most important practice to be done on the improvement of forage crops is to take culture of wild forms. In this study, clover seeds were collected in Antalya natural flora between 2008-2011 years. Collected seeds were planted observational garden in land institute for the purpose of the seed multiplication and morphological characteristics were determined during 2012-2013 years. Ten different species of clover were determined in 58 populations, collected from the different locations. Two out of ten clover species were perennial and 8 clover species were annual. It was determinated that number of flowering days ranged 123-190 days, number of physiological maturity ranged 161-236 days, plant height ranged 6-70 cm, thousand seeds weight 04-1.8 g, number seeds of pod ranged 1-5 and the number of flower in head ranged 28-82. Also flower colors observed that as white, yellow, pink and lilac. Considering the morphological observations, it can be said that there is high genotypic variation. Also said that it can be transferred to the advanced breeding stage and evaluated for cultivating and to develop new varieties.
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