Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Feran AŞUR
Anahtar Kelimeler:Urban grespace,Landscape transformation
Özet: The open and green space, which are one of the main uses that shape and reveal the physical structure of cities, integrate other uses of space in the planning and design of the city as an equilibrium element. The complexes are complex and interdependent systems that are highly fragile against both natural and human threats. In this study, after the devastating earthquake in Van in October and November 2011, the current situation analysis of the two new parks within the scope of landscape transformation has been made. In this context, the quality and quantity status analysis of Ipekyolu and Milli Egemenlik parks, which were constructed instead of two public buildings damaged by the urban open space systems after the earthquake, were carried out and visual impressions were realized. For this purpose, the suitability of the two parks in terms of size, reinforcement element presence, field uses, vegetative and structural design principles were made by evaluations based on visual impressions. This evaluation was made by 5 landscape architects working in public and private sectors. When the scoring table and percentage values were examined, it was found that the highest value belongs to Ipekyolu Park. In this direction, suggestions for improvement of the Milli Egemenlik Park were presented. The examinations will contribute to the effective and on-site availability of the urban population's opportunities to benefit from green areas at the neighborhood level and to the planning-design principles of the urban green space system in the future.
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