Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Ufuk KARADAVUT, Ömer SÖZEN, Mehmet YAĞMUR
Anahtar Kelimeler:Chickpea,Weibull,Model,Sowing time
Özet: In crop production, yield is a matter of priority. However, when considering the yield, the above-ground characteristics which generally affect the yield are taken into consideration. In this study, depending on the importance of root growth in plant growth and development, we tried to predict how it developed a dry matter briquette. For this we used a dynamic model of Weibull models with two, three and four parameters. Azkan chickpea variety was used as plant material. The roots of the plants which were planted at three different times were taken and their fresh and dry weights were observed. In addition, growth rate, bending point, starting point of growth and upper asymptote values were determined. The coefficient of determination ( ), root of square mean square error ( ) and chi square ( ) of were used as comparison criteria. As a result, it was determined that Weibull model with four parameters was more successful than other models in both root fresh weight and root dry weights. Two-parameter model was found to be most successful. In terms of sowing times, the highest estimation success was in the second sowing period, while the lowest estimation success was in the third sowing period.
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