Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Yıldız SOKAT
Anahtar Kelimeler:Thyme,Seedbed,Weed species
Özet: This study was carried out in 2014 to determine weed species in the areas where nursery bed thyme production areas of Denizli and Manisa Provinces. In the scope of surveys carried out in 125 nursery bed and 4508 m2 area, frequency and density of weed species were determined. In the weed counts, 0.25 m2 frames were used, according to the size of the seedlings and weed species and numbers are determined. In the counts, broad-leaved weeds were evaluated as the whole plant and the stalks of the narrow-leaved were counted. From the data obtained, the weed density and the frequency of incidence in the m2 were determined. As a result of surveys, 45 different species belonging to 22 families in Denizli and 19 different species belonging to 17 families in Manisa, 45 different weed species belonging to 22 families were determined. One of these species was endemic (Alyssum fluvencens var. stellatocarpum), one of them was parasitic (Cuscuta campestris L.) species, three of them were narrow-leaved, others were broad-leaved weed species. In Denizli Province: the most extensively cultivated weeds are the species Anagallis arvensis L., followed by Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Urtica urens L., Chenopodium album L., Leguosia pentagonia L. species; narrow-leaved weeds were the most intense Bromus tectorum species, followed by Poa annua L.; In Manisa province, Heliotropium europaeum L. was found to be the most abundant species, followed by Leguosia pentagonia L., Chenopodium album L.. The most common counts in Denizli province; A. arvensis L. species, S. media (L.) Vill., U. urens L., C. album L., followed by the species; In Manisa province, the highest L. pentagonia species was found, followed by H. europaeum L., C. arvensis L., A. albus L. species.
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