Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Anahtar Kelimeler:Recreation area,Urban landscape
Özet: In this study, it was aimed to determine the user satisfaction of the recreation areas of Yesilırmak where are the most frequently used by the people in Tokat city. In the study conducted between 10 January and 10 May 2019; According to the simple random sampling method, the sampling volume was studied with a percentage of 5% error, 95% reliability and total 384 users of the recreation area. Apart from the demographic structure of the users, 62 questions about recreational areas were divided into groups according to landscape elements like location, accessibility, landscape, reinforcement elements, plastic objects, land plastic, design, plant and wildlife, activity areas, boundary element, climatic factors, water element and security. The average score of the questions scored according to the Likert scale was determined and then the satisfaction of the users was evaluated. In the evaluation of the study data was used in IBM SPSS 22.0 program. In the results of the study; most of the users were satisfied the location, accessibility and landscape. It was seen that 384 users who use recreational areas were using 72.7% of weekdays 21.6% of them weekend and 5.7% of them use weekdays or weekends.