Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Faruk ADIGÜZEL, Nuray KIZILASLAN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Olive farms,Population,Land,Capital,Costs and problems
Özet: In this study, it was determined current structure, costs and problems of farms producing olive in Aegean Region. The research area was Aydın, İzmir, Manisa and Muğla provinces in Aegean Region where olive cultivation is produced intensively. The data were obtained from 152 farms via questionnaire with stratified random sampling method. The population per farm was determined between 3.19 and 4.24 people in groups and this value was calculated as 3.66 people in the average of farms. Literacy rate was 95.88% and education period was 6.13 years on average. The average age and education period of managers was 54.40 and 5.82 years, respectively. Total labour used per farms average was 442.54 man-days and 73.28% of this was family labour. The land per the farms average was 91.24 decare, of which 64.54% was olive lands. Variable expenses and fixed costs were determined as 47.17% and 52.83%, respectively in total production costs for crude olives. The most important variable costs were harvest (16.92%) and maintenance costs (13.06%). Land rent has the largest share (37.70%) in fixed costs. As the size of land in farms was increased, it was determined decreased of crude olives, processed olives and olive oil costs. In order to develop the olive sector, primarily in the farm level the current status and problems should be known and the expectations should be taken into consideration.