Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Ahu Alev ABACI BAYAR, Murat ÇINARLI, Gamze BAKIR GÜVEN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Productivity,Nutrient elements
Özet: This study of Central Anatolia Massif connected to the central district of Kırsehir, which is part of the village was carried out in Saraycik. In order to determine the physical and chemical properties and plant nutrient contents of the field soils, soil samples were taken from 0-30 cm depths from 36 points where barley, wheat, chickpea, melon and watermelon were cultivated. The texture of the soil in the study area is sandy loam, pH is in the range of 7.04-8.16 and is found to be 7.77 on average and is slightly alkaline. There was no salinity problem in the soils and the organic matter content was found to be moderate in the range of 1.22-3.33 % and average of 2.32 %, total lime content in the range of 1.50-24.41 % and average of 12.24 %. Adequate and deficient macro and micro nutrient points were determined in the field and the relationships between the parameters were examined as a result of statistical analysis. As a result; the soil is in the range of 4.31-23.02 kg da-1 P2O5, the average is 8.06 kg da-1 P2O5 and it contains moderate phosphorus, the amount of potassium (K2O) in the range of 80.62-459.80 kg da-1 and an average of 181.70 kg da-1, the amount of magnesium (Mg) in the range of 0.018-0.333 % and the average of 0.063 %, the amount of calcium (Ca) in the range of 0.425-3.475% and the average of 0.953%, it was found that there is sufficient macro plant nutrients in soils. While the amount of copper (Cu) from some micro nutrients of agricultural soils is between 0.61-1.89 mg kg-1 and 1.09 mg kg-1 is sufficient in average, the amount of manganese (Mn) is in the range of 0.32-5.73 mg kg-1 and 2.77 mg kg-1 on average, the zinc (Zn) content is in the range of 0.13-0.77 mg kg-1 and the average is 0.37 mg kg-1 and the iron (Fe) content is 0.24-0.97 mg kg-1 in the range and average of 0.46 mg kg-1 was found to be low in the soil.