Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Yusuf ÇELİK, Hatice Kübra SARIALTIN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Cherry,Production,Export,Import,SWOT analysis
Özet: In this study, the current situation of cherry production and foreign trade structure was examined in the World and in Turkey and SWOT analysis was made of cherry production in Turkey. The basic material of the study was composed of related statistics and scientific studies. According to FAO data for 2017, about 416, 445 hectares of cherry production area in the world made, and Turkey with 627,132 tones production and 85,401 hectares of cherry production area has taken first place in the world. Despite being ranked first in production, due to the lack of effective marketing strategies, in cherry exports, Turkey, after Chile and the United States, which ranks third. Countries in which Turkey's predominantly cherry exports was European Union countries (such as Germany, Bulgaria and the Netherlands), Russia and Iraq. China was the first in cherry imports with a rate of 21% in the world and Russia with a rate of 19% in the second. Considering yield per cherry trees, it was realized as 29 kg in 2017, in Turkey. As provinces in Turkey, according to data for 2018, in terms of the cherry production, Konya is in the first place. In Konya province, 68,376 tons of cherries were produced in the area of 70,987 ha and this amount was 10.87% of total cherry production. In terms of production, İzmir province was the second. The SWOT analysis, of cherry production of Turkey was made. According the results, while creating ecological diversity and convenience advantage; the structural problems of enterprises, and the inadequacy of producer organization, constitute disadvantages. On the other hand, Turkey, the European Union and countries such as Russia to import high, and to be in close cooperation, creating opportunities, production and price instability is due to climate changes pose significant risks. In order to increase export opportunities, it is necessary to the efficiency of producer organizations and to implement cherry production techniques according to scientific principles and to popularize cherry varieties preferred in taste and aroma in international
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