Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Ünal KIZIL, Sefa AKSU, A. Cumhur KINACI, Doğa Barış ÖZDEMİR, Levent GENÇ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Heat stress,Temperature humidity index,Arduino,Automation,Environmental control
Özet: Welfare and production efficiency of livestock, especially dairy cattle, in a barn are closely related with environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, etc. Therefore, the aim of this study is to design a low-cost automation device that is based on Temperature Humidity Index (THI). An Arduino microprocessor and associated sensors/electronics were used to design a prototype. The device collects process and stores minutely temperature, humidity and THI for automation and long term management purposes. It is capable of estimating and storing theoretical daily reduction in milk production. Average actual daily milk production can also be entered to the system. The cost of the prototype was $ 238 that makes it affordable for low-income operations. Data was collected for a 6-month-period to test the performance of the prototype. Total of 1.4 megabyte of capacity is required for data storage. That makes the system affordable and easy to manage data. The device is installed on a post in the middle of barn. It is found that below the lower limits of mild heat stress category (THI<83) total of 80 Simmental milking cows were not influenced from heat stress as confirmed by literature. Therefore, it is essential to monitor stress conditions and milk production rate for longer periods in order to better manage the cows’ environmental conditions.