Uluslararası Anadolu Ziraat Mühendisliği Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Mehmet TAŞAN
Konular:Ziraat, Ortak Disiplinler
Anahtar Kelimeler:Supporting,Producer Organizations,Cooperative,Producer Associations,Turkey
Özet: Producer Organization in Agriculture in Turkey Abstract The increase in the use of technology in agricultural activities and the application of technical knowledge in large enterprises make it difficult for small agricultural enterprises / small producers, which make up a significant majority of the agricultural population, to remain in production. Rather, large enterprises face difficulties in competing with technical agriculture and producers with large production power in developed countries, while small producers or enterprises face problems such as being present in the domestic market and competing with large enterprises. In this case, the most important need that emerges for the producer is the need for organization. In short, organization; it is that individuals with similar needs and problems come together for a solution. The sector in which this need is most heard is the agricultural sector. It is known that our farmers living in rural areas are organized by establishing various farmers' organizations in order to meet their economic, social and cultural needs. Agricultural Development Cooperatives, Beet Cultivators Cooperatives, Agricultural Producer Unions, Breeder Unions, Seed Unions, Agricultural Credit Cooperatives, Irrigation Unions, Agricultural Sales Cooperatives, Agricultural Chambers and so on. When we examine the organizational structure, there are conflicts in areas of activity and areas of influence. Although it is considered as a wealth in this way of structuring, it often causes serious frictions among the organizations that operate in the same activity. authority on the table again hospitalized in Turkey and redefine the structure of agricultural organization and that the continuation of responsibility must also be made more functional with a strong settlement.