Journal of Medicine and Palliative Care
Yazarlar: Adil ÇETİN, İsmail ARSLAN, Oğuz TEKİN, Oktay SARI
Konular:Sağlık Bilimleri ve Hizmetleri
Anahtar Kelimeler:Old age,Place of residence,Quality of life
Özet: Introduction/Aim: In this study, we aimed to investigate whether the place of residence and socio-demographic characteristics of the elderly have influence on the quality of life. Material ans Method: This study, which is observational and analytical, included 200 patients who were 65 years old or older, who applied to the family medicine clinic in Ankara Training and Research Hospital, who accepted to answer the questionnaire. Cases included in the study were evaluated in terms of age, gender, educational background, residential area, economic situation, presence of chronic disease and living places. The connection between sociodemographic characteristics and quality of life was examined using EQ 5DL scale. Findings/Results: A total of 200 people, 96 men (48%) and 104 women (52%), participated in our study. The average age of men was 73.3±5.3, the average age of women was 70.4±7.4, while the general average age was 71.8±6.7. The school year was 8.4±6.3 for men and 5 ± 6.3 for women. When we questioned whether the income level was subjectively subjected to the individuals participating in our study, 61 (63.5%) of the men said it was enough, while 39 (37.5%) of the women said yes enough. When we look at the sources of income, 91 (45.5%) people declared that there is no income source, 90 (45%) people stated as pension, 8 (4%) people land, 11 (5.5%) housing rent. When we examine the link between the EQ 5DL scale and sociodemographic features, it was revealed that elderly individuals had a sense of income level, whether there was a constant disease, leisure time, and age had an impact on quality of life. Conclusion: As a result of our work; It was observed that age, presence of chronic disease, leisure time status and sense of income were effective on quality of life. We think that the factors that affect the quality of life we found in our study may be guiding the studies aimed at improving the quality of life of the elderly.