Aydın Dental Journal

Aydın Dental Journal

Endodontic Systems Working With Reciprocal Movements For Instrumentation of Root Canals

Yazarlar: Selçuk GÖKYAY, Ece ÇALIŞKAN

Cilt 1 , Sayı 1 , 2015 , Sayfalar 49 - 58


Anahtar Kelimeler:Root canal instrumentation,Ni-Ti rotary systems,Endodontic resiprocal systems

Özet: It has been accepted that instrumentation of the root canals is one of the important steps for the succes of root canal therapy. Contemporarily, the root canals arebeing instrumented with either stainless steel/nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) handfilesmanually or with rotary Ni-Ti files used with a torque controlleddevice or handpiece. The handycaps in these methods revealed the need for the development of a new instrumentation system in endodontics. The advantages such as simplicity, low risk of cross contamination, efficacy in proper shaping, resistance to cyclic fatique of the recent reciprocating instruments showed that they are a desirable alternative forthat need. In this article, the new reciprocating systems and their clinical useswere introduced, and the findings of the related research articles were presented based on the current literature review

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@article{2015, title={Endodontic Systems Working With Reciprocal Movements For Instrumentation of Root Canals}, volume={1}, number={49–58}, publisher={Aydın Dental Journal}, author={Selçuk GÖKYAY,Ece ÇALIŞKAN}, year={2015} }
Selçuk GÖKYAY,Ece ÇALIŞKAN. (2015). Endodontic Systems Working With Reciprocal Movements For Instrumentation of Root Canals (Vol. 1). Vol. 1. Aydın Dental Journal.
Selçuk GÖKYAY,Ece ÇALIŞKAN. Endodontic Systems Working With Reciprocal Movements For Instrumentation of Root Canals. no. 49–58, Aydın Dental Journal, 2015.