Aydın Dental Journal

Aydın Dental Journal

Immediate Prosthetic Treatment of an Edentulous Patient With “All-On-4®” Concept

Yazarlar: Alper UYAR, Simel AYYILDIZ, Bülent PİŞKİN, Can DURMAZ

Cilt 2 , Sayı 2 , 2016 , Sayfalar 59 - 64


Anahtar Kelimeler:Immediate loading,Edentulism,All-on-4

Özet: Background: Protocols of immediate and early loading of dental implants are well documented and described. “Allon-4” technique has become an alternative option for fixed immediate rehabilitation of edentulism especially with severe bone loss. Objective: In this case report it is aimed to present full mouth immediate restoration of an edentulous patient following the concept of “All-on-4”. Case Description: After radiographs and pictures taken, a CT scan was performed and diagnostic models were prepared. Following the placement of the implants and ending the surgery, impressions were taken and dentures, fabricated before the surgical phase, were checked. These dentures were converted to screw retained prostheses in the lab and placed next day. After three months, hybrid prostheses were fabricated and screwed in place. After one-year follow-up, any problems were encountered. Practional Implication: With immediate loaded screw retained provisional dentures, patient’s esthetic and functional expectations were met in the shortest time period possible

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@article{2016, title={Immediate Prosthetic Treatment of an Edentulous Patient With “All-On-4®” Concept}, volume={2}, number={59–64}, publisher={Aydın Dental Journal}, author={Alper UYAR,Simel AYYILDIZ,Bülent PİŞKİN,Can DURMAZ}, year={2016} }
Alper UYAR,Simel AYYILDIZ,Bülent PİŞKİN,Can DURMAZ. (2016). Immediate Prosthetic Treatment of an Edentulous Patient With “All-On-4®” Concept (Vol. 2). Vol. 2. Aydın Dental Journal.
Alper UYAR,Simel AYYILDIZ,Bülent PİŞKİN,Can DURMAZ. Immediate Prosthetic Treatment of an Edentulous Patient With “All-On-4®” Concept. no. 59–64, Aydın Dental Journal, 2016.