Aydın Dental Journal

Aydın Dental Journal

Veillonella Spp. Infection As a Rare Cause for Early Multiple Dental Implant Failures: A Case Report

Yazarlar: Mustafa TUNALI, Cenker Zeki KOYUNCUOGLU, Burak SELEK, Bayhan BEKTORE, Mustafa OZYURT, Rana ÇULHAOĞLU

Cilt 2 , Sayı 2 , 2016 , Sayfalar 51 - 58


Anahtar Kelimeler:Early failure,Dental implant,Risk factors,Veillonella

Özet: Background: Infection, overheating, premature loading and impaired healing are the main factors associated with early failure of dental implants. Multiple implant failures in the same patient, supports the evidence that individual characteristics play an important role in the early failure process. Veillonella spp. are early colonizers of dental biofilms and small, usually non-fermentative, strict anaerobic, nonmotile, nonsporulating, gram-negative cocci that lack capsule.Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the possible associated factors and early multiple implant failures in the same patient.Case Description: A 55-years-old female patient had peri-implant radiolucencies of two adjacent implant sites at the left posterior mandibula 3 months after surgical placement. Aerobic and anaerobic culture techniques were used to study the peri-implant microflora at sites with implant failures. An amoxicillin-resistant Veillonella bacteria was isolated. Conclusion: The present case shows that amoxicillin-resistant Veillonella associated peri-implantitis can be a risk factor for early implant failures

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@article{2016, title={Veillonella Spp. Infection As a Rare Cause for Early Multiple Dental Implant Failures: A Case Report}, volume={2}, number={51–58}, publisher={Aydın Dental Journal}, author={Mustafa TUNALI,Cenker Zeki KOYUNCUOGLU,Burak SELEK,Bayhan BEKTORE,Mustafa OZYURT,Rana ÇULHAOĞLU}, year={2016} }
Mustafa TUNALI,Cenker Zeki KOYUNCUOGLU,Burak SELEK,Bayhan BEKTORE,Mustafa OZYURT,Rana ÇULHAOĞLU. (2016). Veillonella Spp. Infection As a Rare Cause for Early Multiple Dental Implant Failures: A Case Report (Vol. 2). Vol. 2. Aydın Dental Journal.
Mustafa TUNALI,Cenker Zeki KOYUNCUOGLU,Burak SELEK,Bayhan BEKTORE,Mustafa OZYURT,Rana ÇULHAOĞLU. Veillonella Spp. Infection As a Rare Cause for Early Multiple Dental Implant Failures: A Case Report. no. 51–58, Aydın Dental Journal, 2016.