Aydın Dental Journal

Aydın Dental Journal

Complete Root Coverage for Miller Class I and II – Recession Type Defects: Meta-Analysis of CAF+EMD Versus CAF+FCTG

Yazarlar: Rüdiger JUNKER, Andreas LEINER, Daniela ZITSCH, Thomas ULRICH, Wilhelm FRANK, Adrian KASAJ

Cilt 2 , Sayı 2 , 2016 , Sayfalar 1 - 21


Anahtar Kelimeler:Miller class I and II recession-type defects,Root coverage,Coronally advanced flap,Free connective tissue graft,Enamel matrix derivative

Özet: Background: To the best of our knowledge, the equality of CAF + EMD and CAF + FCTG regarding complete root coverage in Miller class I and II recession-type defects is still uncertain. Aim: The aim of the current paper is to compare the effect of CAF + EMD versus CAF + FCTG regarding complete root recession coverage. Thereby, equality on the longer term of both therapeutic options is hypothesized (H0- hypothesis).Materials and methods: Three reviewers searched independently within the electronic database Pubmed/Medline. Only RCTs reporting quantitative data for the outcome variable percentage complete root coverage (%CRC) for the therapeutic options CAF + EMD or CAF + FCTG were considered. Additionally a manual search in the reference lists of all included publications was accomplished.Results: After electronical and manual search for relevant studies, the three independent reviewers (DZ, TU, AL) screened 552 titles, resulting in 102 abstracts and 41 full-texts. Eventually, twenty-five papers could be included for meta-analysis. By comprehensively comparing data from RCTs for the outcome variable “percentage complete root coverage”, statistically significant weighted mean differences in favor of CAF + FCTG were found at 6, 12 and 24 months. Conclusion: Regarding percentage complete root coverage, CAF + EMD is not as effective as CAF + FCTG for Miller class I and II recession- type defects

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@article{2016, title={Complete Root Coverage for Miller Class I and II – Recession Type Defects: Meta-Analysis of CAF+EMD Versus CAF+FCTG}, volume={2}, number={1–21}, publisher={Aydın Dental Journal}, author={Rüdiger JUNKER,Andreas LEINER,Daniela ZITSCH,Thomas ULRICH,Wilhelm FRANK,Adrian KASAJ}, year={2016} }
Rüdiger JUNKER,Andreas LEINER,Daniela ZITSCH,Thomas ULRICH,Wilhelm FRANK,Adrian KASAJ. (2016). Complete Root Coverage for Miller Class I and II – Recession Type Defects: Meta-Analysis of CAF+EMD Versus CAF+FCTG (Vol. 2). Vol. 2. Aydın Dental Journal.
Rüdiger JUNKER,Andreas LEINER,Daniela ZITSCH,Thomas ULRICH,Wilhelm FRANK,Adrian KASAJ. Complete Root Coverage for Miller Class I and II – Recession Type Defects: Meta-Analysis of CAF+EMD Versus CAF+FCTG. no. 1–21, Aydın Dental Journal, 2016.