Language Teaching and Educational Research
Konular:Dil ve Dil Bilim
Anahtar Kelimeler:Language,Culture,Language and culture relationship
Özet: Language, in the simplest form, is a natural tool for communication. As the cornerstone of human life, language is the most influential transmitter of culture and in this context; it has a natural relationship with culture. We can think of neither language separately from culture, nor culture from language. These two terms form society, and/or society forms language and culture. Therefore, there is a mutual interaction between languages, culture, and society. Language and culture are both intertwined, and language is the carrier of culture. In this sense, language is also the source of new ideas and creativity. These two main features of language have made it the biggest protector, creator, and developer of the society and nation identity, which we call culture. That is, language is a reflection and a voice expression of the culture that enables individuals to develop a sense of belonging to the society they are in. It carries pieces of culture in it and transfers these pieces with sounds and symbols. Within this context, the main aim of this study is to create a framework on the relationship and interaction between these two concepts.
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