Din ve Felsefe Araştırmaları

Din ve Felsefe Araştırmaları

Davı̇d Papı̇neau’nun Naturalı̇zm-Fı̇zı̇kalı̇zm Argümanları Üzerı̇ne Bı̇r Deneme

Yazarlar: Elçin ESİN

Cilt 2 , Sayı 4 , 2019 , Sayfalar 85 - 100


Anahtar Kelimeler:David Papineau,Naturalism,Consciousness,Mind,Completness of Physics,Causal Arguments

Özet: Philosophical naturalism, which is starting to hold an important place in the today’s schools of philosophy cause a transformation of the fundamental questions of epistemology that have been around since Plato in the history of philosophy; and the philosophical justification of how we represent the outside world are replaced by the question of how brain processes work. This isue is not just a problem about annihilation of philosophy. On the contrary, it arises as a problem that forms the basis of the question of what is human. The issue of reducing the mind to brain processes, which allows discussions of both physicalism, philosophical naturalism and artificial intelligence give rise to an important subject of today's philosophy. In this context, in this study, we will discuss the topic of physicalism in David Papineau's work Philosophical Naturalism. We will explain difference between that/which Papineau refused ‘supervenience' thesis with advocated ‘realization' thesis for our assessment of this to be more understandable. İndeed acording to Papineau, supervenience thesis is not based on the principle of the completeness of physics; and therefore it is not the fizikalist thesis. However, the realization thesis and the causal argument is based on the principle of the completeness of physics; according to this Papineau, it is a best fizikalist argument. In this context, my purpose in this article is to examine the consistency of all these claims of Papineau and whether reduction efforts to the physics of the mind are successful. 

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2019, title={Davı̇d Papı̇neau’nun Naturalı̇zm-Fı̇zı̇kalı̇zm Argümanları Üzerı̇ne Bı̇r Deneme}, volume={2}, number={85–100}, publisher={Din ve Felsefe Araştırmaları}, author={Elçin ESİN}, year={2019} }
Elçin ESİN. (2019). Davı̇d Papı̇neau’nun Naturalı̇zm-Fı̇zı̇kalı̇zm Argümanları Üzerı̇ne Bı̇r Deneme (Vol. 2). Vol. 2. Din ve Felsefe Araştırmaları.
Elçin ESİN. Davı̇d Papı̇neau’nun Naturalı̇zm-Fı̇zı̇kalı̇zm Argümanları Üzerı̇ne Bı̇r Deneme. no. 85–100, Din ve Felsefe Araştırmaları, 2019.