Etnomüzikoloji Dergisi

Etnomüzikoloji Dergisi

Leninism Versus Lennonism; Reflections on Rock Music Culture in East Europe and the Soviet Union

Yazarlar: Timothy W. RYBACK

Cilt 1 , Sayı 2 , 2018 , Sayfalar 217 - 228


Anahtar Kelimeler:Music,Politics

Özet: From December 16 to 18, 1965, the Central Committee of the East Ger- man communist party devoted a special session to the ideological welfare of the country’s youth. The committee intended to set the ideological agenda, and to underscore the importance of protecting young people from the per- nicious influences of western youth culture, in particular, the increasingly pervasive phenonemon of rock and pop music. The East German leaders identified gowing rowdiness in schools, drunkenness on the streets, rising in- cidents of criminal activity, including physical asaults and rape, and equally disturbing a noticeble rise in ideological disaffection among the youth. Horst Sindermann, responsible for press and radio, emphasized this latter point with a concrete example.

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@article{2018, title={Leninism Versus Lennonism; Reflections on Rock Music Culture in East Europe and the Soviet Union}, volume={1}, number={217–228}, publisher={Etnomüzikoloji Dergisi}, author={Timothy W. RYBACK}, year={2018} }
Timothy W. RYBACK. (2018). Leninism Versus Lennonism; Reflections on Rock Music Culture in East Europe and the Soviet Union (Vol. 1). Vol. 1. Etnomüzikoloji Dergisi.
Timothy W. RYBACK. Leninism Versus Lennonism; Reflections on Rock Music Culture in East Europe and the Soviet Union. no. 217–228, Etnomüzikoloji Dergisi, 2018.