Etnomüzikoloji Dergisi

Etnomüzikoloji Dergisi

Popüler Müzikte Bir “Ötekileştirme” Örneği: Heavy Metal’e Yönelik Olumsuz Yargıların Estetik, Toplumsal ve Ahlaki Boyutları

Yazarlar: Yasemin ATA

Cilt 2 , Sayı 2 , 2019 , Sayfalar 179 - 200


Anahtar Kelimeler:Popular music,Heavy metal,Moral panic,Othering,Stereotypes

Özet: Just as for other features that build one’s identity, music can occasionally be the subject causing labeling, exclusion, and ailenation/othering among individuals and groups. It is generally accepted that the primary role of popular music is to symbolise the boundaries between younger and older sections of the society. As such, certain types and features of popular mu- sic, either intentionally or inadvertantly have caused throughout its history adversity among certain sections of the society and and atrracted negative reactions from certain circles. This phenomenon is even more apparent in the case of heavy metal music whose visual images, video and audio clips and lyrics are regarded as “objectionable” not only among adult conserva- tives, but by those in power in society in general (media, politics, religion). It also leads to a growing sense of hatred, fear, prejudice and finally social alienation/othering. In this study, the social reactions to heavy metal music, which sometimes have concerns far above normal, the reasons for these re- actions and the stereotyping of the genre are questioned and an attempt is made to classify the stages of the othering process in view of relevant the- ories.

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@article{2019, title={Popüler Müzikte Bir “Ötekileştirme” Örneği: Heavy Metal’e Yönelik Olumsuz Yargıların Estetik, Toplumsal ve Ahlaki Boyutları}, volume={2}, number={179–200}, publisher={Etnomüzikoloji Dergisi}, author={Yasemin ATA}, year={2019} }
Yasemin ATA. (2019). Popüler Müzikte Bir “Ötekileştirme” Örneği: Heavy Metal’e Yönelik Olumsuz Yargıların Estetik, Toplumsal ve Ahlaki Boyutları (Vol. 2). Vol. 2. Etnomüzikoloji Dergisi.
Yasemin ATA. Popüler Müzikte Bir “Ötekileştirme” Örneği: Heavy Metal’e Yönelik Olumsuz Yargıların Estetik, Toplumsal ve Ahlaki Boyutları. no. 179–200, Etnomüzikoloji Dergisi, 2019.