Uluslararası Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Çalışmaları Dergisi
Yazarlar: Kıymet Selvi
Anahtar Kelimeler:-
Özet: Abstract The professional competencies of English Language Teachers were determined a research in 2007, and the research results showed that ELT Teachers’ competencies consisted of four main subgroups, namely Curriculum Competencies, Lifelong Learning Competencies, Social-Cultural Competencies and Emotional Competencies. As a result of the research, Lifelong Learning Competencies emerged as the most important competencies for ELT Teachers. Teachers’ lifelong learning competencies support sustainable development of students. Thus, teachers must also have lifelong learning competencies to acquire their roles and responsibilities. Depending on this result, teachers’ lifelong learning competencies are discussed in this paper in relation to sustainable development of teachers, students and society.
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