Journal of Turkish Science Education
Yazarlar: Eralp BAHÇIVAN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Students’ Multiple Worlds ,Views of Science ,Case Study
Özet: The purpose of the current study is twofold: 1) To categorize Turkish high school students’ responses to science in accordance to the degree of consistency between their worlds of family and friends and worlds of school and science 2) Present implicational suggestions based on the distribution of students. Case study approach was adapted to collect, analyze and present the results. 30 K-11 level students and 6 physics teachers from 5 different high schools were participated. Students’ responses were grouped into 4 different categories and labeled as potential scientists, other smart kids, I don’t know students and outsiders. Supporting families’ lifelong learning processes, adaptation of context based science teaching programs creating opportunities for realizing laboratory activities, and utilization of public (science) museums and communication technologies in science education were suggested to positively develop students’ attitudes toward science.