Journal of Turkish Science Education
Yazarlar: Hanifah Mahat , Mohmadisa Hashim , Nasir Nayan , Yazid Saleh , Saiyidatina Balkhis Norkhaidi
Anahtar Kelimeler:Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) ,Energy saving practices ,Measurement model ,Primary school students
Özet: This paper purposed to validate Malaysian primary school students’ energy saving practices via confirmatory factor analysis. The sample of the study was a total of 401 primary school students, who were selected with randomly cluster sampling method. To collect data, a five-point Likert scale was used. Data were exposed to descriptive analysis (Cronbach’s alpha values for reliability) and a confirmatory factor analysis for testing measurement models for each of the constructs through AMOS software. The results showed that Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was higher than 0.70. The results of the first and second order confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) ensured that the collected data fit with the model. It was also found that the measurement model satisfied specified measurement criteria. Overall, it can be deduced that the extracted components are useful guidelines to increase Malaysian primary school students’ understanding of energy saving practices. Further, this research recommends some implications for future research and practitioners.
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