Journal of Turkish Science Education

Journal of Turkish Science Education

The Influence of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Approach on Science Literacy and Social Skills

Yazarlar: Luthfia Irmita , Sri Atun

Cilt 15 , Sayı 3 , 2018 , Sayfalar 27-40


Anahtar Kelimeler:TPACK approach ,Science literacy ,Social skills ,Ssenior high school students

Özet: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) approach to scientific literacy and social skills of students. The research is a quasi-experiment design of pretest and posttest control group. The research population were all students at 11th grade of natural science classes consisting the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes in SMAN 2 Banguntapan and the total were 118 students. The used samples were 1st and 2nd classes and had 62 students in total. The sampling technique is cluster random sampling with the 1st class of 11th grades of natural science as the control group and the 2nd class of 11th grade of natural science as the experimental group. The treatment given to the experimental group was the learning the rate of reaction by using the TPACK approach with discovery learning models, while that of the control group was learning rate of reaction by using teacher-center approach with direct instructional model. The data collection tolls were the test of science literacy, consisting social skill questionnaire and social skill observation sheet. The data analysis technique was MANOVA by using SPSS and Rasch models applying Ministep. The results showed that there were an influence of the TPACK approach to science literacy and social skills of students at the level of significance (p=0.00<0.05). The influence of the TPACK approach to science literacy (sig.= 0.00), and no influence of the TPACK approach to social skills of students of SMAN 2 Banguntapan with a significant value (sig.= 0.137).

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@article{2018, title={The Influence of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Approach on Science Literacy and Social Skills}, volume={15}, number={27–40}, publisher={The Journal of Turkish Science Education}, author={Luthfia Irmita , Sri Atun}, year={2018} }
Luthfia Irmita , Sri Atun. (2018). The Influence of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Approach on Science Literacy and Social Skills (Vol. 15). Vol. 15. The Journal of Turkish Science Education.
Luthfia Irmita , Sri Atun. The Influence of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Approach on Science Literacy and Social Skills. no. 27–40, The Journal of Turkish Science Education, 2018.