Journal of Turkish Science Education
Yazarlar: Novi Ratna DEWI , Lailatul MAGFIROH , Septia NURKHALISA , Ida DWIJAYANTI
Anahtar Kelimeler:Science Digital Storytelling ,Contextual ,Critical thinking
Özet: This study aims to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of contextual-based Science Digital Storytelling (SDS) teaching materials. This research used Research and Development model. The analysis of potentials and problems were drawn from the lack of learning media usage in Junior High School. The interviewee stated that the provided infrastructure facilities are adequate for utilizing instructional media. Media experts and material experts validated SDS learning media. The average validation results of media experts and material experts were respectively 95.83% and 93.94% (very feasible). The average results of SDS media’s readability and usage by students were 76.71% (feasible) and 95.34% (very feasible). The effectiveness of media was measured through pretest and posttest then calculated its increase with the N-gain and significance through the t-test. The results showed that every aspect of critical thinking has increased with an N-gain average of 0.44. The increase was significant in term of t-test score. In conclusion, contextual-based SDS learning media can improve students' critical thinking ability.
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